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Response to Intervention (RtI)

RTI English/RTI SpanishResponse to Intervention (RtI) is a three-tier prevention, early identification and intervention strategy provided by the general education and/or support teacher in the general education classroom.  It is based on the concept of providing evidence-based instructional and behavioral strategies by highly qualified staff that specifically addresses the needs of the student and is monitored and reviewed frequently.  Intervention programs are research based and the information collected during the RtI process is used to make informed educational decisions regarding the student’s educational program.

The Goals of RtI

  • Intervene early and prevent academic failure
  • Implement  evidence-based interventions for all students
  • Decrease the number of unnecessary referrals to special education
  • Take a proactive approach  rather than  reactive to student difficulties
  • Increase parent participation at all tier levels
  • Encourage teachers to use data to make informed instructional decisions

RtI Teachers: