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Phone: 210-945-5114 Ext. 39054

Qualifications: Master of Arts: Counseling

Ms. Parker

I am truly thankful to have the opportunity to work with our students. My counseling philosophy is student-centered and solution focused.

I believe in the comprehensive counseling program that addresses the social emotional, academic, as well as college and career development of our students. Let’s all work together to inspire and encourage our students to be kind, positive, and successful!

At Miller's Point the Social Worker and I follow the Four Components of a Comprehensive School Guidance and Counseling Program.

We provide guidance curriculum to classes that include content on social and emotional, college and career, and positive school work habits.

Individual planning assists students in managing their personal and career development.  

Responsive services address the immediate concerns of all students through prevention and intervention.  

System support includes program, staff, and school support activities.  Examples are community outreach, parent education, and teacher/administrator consultation.


Keep up to date with our district counseling department information through the JISD website.

Helpful District Resources:

JISD Guidance & Counseling Department Website /Page/7137


Other Helpful Resources:

San Antonio Community Resource Directory